Q: How do roots get into my sewer pipes?
A: Many of the older pipes are installed with joints that have gaskets or are filled with lead. These joints shift over time and hairline openings are formed around the gaskets or lead. If you've seen a crack in the sidewalk you know that it doesn't take much of an opening for something to grow. So it is with roots.

Q: Should I have my main sewer line snaked periodically even if it's not backing up?
A: That's really a personal choice but let me mention some criteria. If you've had periodic back-ups (say once every other year) that have become a pattern then I'd say preventive maintenance is a good decision. If you have just moved into a newly purchased home it would be a good idea to have your lines cleaned. If your house is 30 years old or more and the main line has never been cleaned then having it snaked to prevent any back-ups is also wise. But, if you are not having any problems and have not been having any problems then to start having your line cleaned once per year is certainly okay but it may not be necessary. However, if it gives you peace of mind, by all means have it done. Galaxy Plumbing & Drain performs preventive maintenance drain cleaning for all drains. Just call us today.

Q: How long does it take for roots to grow back after you've had your line snaked?
A: That question sounds simple but there are actually several variables to consider such as: What time of year it is (roots grow slower in winter), how thick the infiltration is, and how well were the roots cleaned out. I'll give the best answer I can. If you have roots growing into one of your pipes that causes a back-up and a technician snakes your line and is able to remove all the roots from the interior of the line I would expect it to take about 1-1/2 to 2 years for those roots to cause a back-up again. You can extend this time period by using root killer, known as copper sulfate, and available at most hardware stores.

Q: If I don't let anything go down my drain except normal stuff why does it still clog?
A: Eventually all lines do clog. Even the most careful person washes plates, bowls, silverware, etc. that have food particles or oily residue on them. You may even be very careful to catch the hair in your bathroom sink by using a strainer. Even the most careful person cannot keep soap, shaving cream, lotions, etc. from going down the drain. Whether it's your laundry drain, kitchen drain, bathtub, lavatory, or main line, particles, oils, and other matter accumulates on the inside walls of your drain pipes. If enough build-up occurs your drain will get clogged. Preventive maintenance build-up removers are available at your hardware store but they are slow acting. If your drain is slow or clogged have it cleaned first, then start using the product. Galaxy Plumbing & Drain can come out quickly if you have a clogged drain. Call us today.

Q: Is it okay to use "Liquid Plumber" or a similar product to try and unclog my stopped up drain?
A: I do not recommend using any product that lists sulfuric acid as an active ingredient, or that has the picture of a skull and crossbones anywhere on the product. Most of these products desintegrate hair but do nothing for soaps, oils, and similar matter. The problem with using these types of products is that they can cause severe harm to you or your plumbing if used improperly, which is often the case. One example is a customer who poured a sulfuric acid based product in their kitchen sink because it was clogged. The product did not do anything for the clog but instead took the shiny nickel finish completely off the sink and turned it a dull gray. The entire kitchen sink had to be replaced. These products can also eat through some of the metal parts in your drainage system such as the chrome p-trap under your bathroom sink. The only products I recommend using are biodegradeble and environmentally safe build-up removers. The drawback is that these products are only effective when used as preventive maintenance. If you have a clogged drain please call Galaxy Plumbing & Drain to properly solve the problem and relieve the stoppage. We are experts in this area.
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